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Online Giving

Please see ways you can support your church through online giving here. 

For Christians, financial giving is part of our discipleship and our worship. It is all of a piece just as using our talents and abilities in the work of the church. Jesus spoke more about money than faith or prayer because it touches us at a deep level of faith and commitment. We give, acknowledging that all we have comes from the goodness of God and in response to the blessings we have received.

Much of our weekly giving is cash from our congregation although many give by Standing Order and the Parish Giving Scheme. Not having that cash flow has made things difficult for us and we have little in the reserve fund which is fast emptying.

Please contact our Treasurer Andrew Featherstone: 01273 477151, email about how to give to the church. In fact, it is quite simple, the easiest ways (apart from joining the Parish Giving Scheme, which we have covered in earlier issues) are to:

Send a cheque made out to 'Offham Church' to:

Andrew Featherstone

Allington Lodge

Allington Lane

Offham Lewes BN7 3QJ

Alternatively you can donate via BACS

Account name:  Offham Church

Sort code: 20-49-76

Account number:10674826

Thank you

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